tirsdag 15. mars 2011

Hi everyone!
Here it comes, the update on the last half of our Safari. Our tour from our last update has brought us from Spitskop to Johannesburg, the final destination. On our way we have discovered true harmony in so many of the beautiful camp sites, and calm, peaceful people that we meet there. Some of the places (if you would like to google) was Spitskop bush camp, Etosha National Park  and Ngepi camp in Namibia, Maun desert camp and Okavango Delta in Botswana, and of course Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe.

In Etosha National Park we saw many wildlife animals, such as Zebra, Giraffe, Elephant, Lion, Springbok, and last but definetly not least, Timon and Pumba! We were also on a real safari trip with a guide named Andy that took us by foot looking for rhinos. We learned about footprints and Tina even touched the poop to feel that it was fresh, and that we were on right track. A real bushlady!

In the Okavango delta we went by Makoro, a traditonal canoe with a guy standing in the back, pushing us with a stick. Cool!  On our way we saw hippos and an elephant. That night we made dinner outside, with a proper thunderstorm upon us. It was raining really hard and the lightening in the horizon lit up the whole sky. Amazing! 

We stayed at Victoria Falls for two days, and had time to do our own thing. We went tandem on a gorge swing, 70 meter free fall! What a rush! Shitscary though.. Then we went to look at the falls itself. The magnitude and the power of it struck us, as we thought it was raining because of all the water splashing up on us from the falls. In the evening the whole group had a party with two other drifter groups which was at the lodge as well. The pool at the lodge was well used the whole evening.. ;)

Our last night camping was quite dramatic for Marthe. Tina was sleeping in the truck, and Marthe slept outside with the two other norwegian girls, Katja and Cathrine + the guide Karel. During the night Marthe woke up and had to use the toilet. Katja was also awake and had to go, and was on her way out of her mosquito net as we heard something growl. Marthe had heard a baboon being chased and killed earlier that night, so she woke the guide up, right as the animal growled again. Karel jumped up, and started stressing as we understood it was a leopard quite close to where we were sleeping. We were all scared shitless, and was talking loudly to try to get the leopard to go away, before we quietly got ourselves into the truck and slept there for the remaining 2 hours before sunrise and our long drive to Jo'burg.

Now we are at the Drifters lodge in Jo'burg, just relaxing in our room as the rain is pouring down outside. We went to a huge shopping centre earlier today, and got lost as we were trying to find our way out of there. So tonight we are just gonna relax and get ready for South America! Flying to Buenos Aires tomorrow, and we are staying with a girl from Florø, Christine Schwarz for a couple of days. So our next update will be from somewhere along the way in South America! :)


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